ergon ensemble
contemporary music, athens
stefanos nasos pianist

The Greek pianist Stefanos Nasos has performed in recitals, chamber music concerts and as soloist with orchestras in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland, Italy, England, Germany, Japan, and Greece. He recorded Prokofiev's 2nd Piano Concerto with the National Radio Symphony Orchestra for the Greek Radio and three CDs: chamber music of Henri Vieuxtemps, the piano work and chamber music by the Greek composers respectively Emile Riadis and Yorgos Sicilianos. He has performed with all the Greek major orchestras, most notably with the Athens State Orchestra in December 2008 delivering the European premiere of George Tsontakis' Man of Sorrows and the Athens Camerata at the All Beethoven Concertos Cycle with fortepiano in April 2013. In solo recitals, he premiered in Greece and abroad works by Greek composers such as Tsontakis, D. Terzakis, D. Mitropoulos, M. Varvoglis, J. Psathas, Y. Sicilianos, M. Borboudakis, as well by international names such as Crumb, Ligeti, van der Aa and ter Veldhuis.
In 2006, Stefanos acquired his Doctor of Music degree in music performance from the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, Finland. His supervisor Prof. Matti Raekallio, was since 2001 his last mentor. Previous teachers include Dr. Margit Rahkonen, Prof. Roswitha Gediga, Prof. Sontraud Speidel, and his mother respectively at the Sibelius Academy, the Musikhochschule in Cologne and in Karslruhe (Germany), and the Skalkottas Conservatory in Athens.
As both soloist and chamber musician, Stefanos has appeared in festivals such as the “musei di sera” in Trieste and the Athens Festival, those of Serifos, Samos (Young Artists Festival), and Paxoi, the Thessaloniki Piano Festival, the Y. A. Papaioannou International Festival in Kavala, the Aegina International Music Festival, the International Piano Festival of the GNO 2017, the International Pharos Contemporary Music Festival (Cyprus), the joint ICMC/SMC 2014 conference, the Greek Music Festival, the Summer Academy of the Ionian University (Corfu), the 7th Bilgi New Music Festival (Istanbul), and the Átlátszó Hang New Music Festival (Budapest). He premiered chamber music works in Greece and abroad by Greek composers D. Andrikopoulos, A. Anissegos, T. Antoniou, G. Aperghis, Borboudakis, D. Constantinidis, B. Kanas, A. Kounadis, A. Koundouroff, C. Lignos, S. Papanas, P. Plakidis, C. Samaras, Terzakis, Tsontakis, P. Tsalahouris, C. Tsoupaki, J. Vlachopoulos as well by international names such as Bacri, Cage, Jarrell, Stroppa, Pesson, Reich, J.L. Adams, Crumb, Harrison, HK Gruber, Andriessen, Romitelli, U. Meriläinen. Stefanos is a member of the Ergon Ensemble since 2011 and the Piandaemonium (6 pianos-12 pianists) since 2014. Finally, he performs often with distinguished musicians of his generation such as Angelica Cathariou, Apostolos Palios, Mario Zeffiri, Myrsini Margariti, and the xPause string quartet.