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ergon ensemble
contemporary music, athens
28 March 2015
Onassis Cultural Center
Director: Andreas Tselikas
Artistic oversight: Alexandros Mouzas
John Zorn (b. 1953)
Bateau Ivre (2011)
for ensemble
Michel van der Aa (b. 1970)
Transit (2009)
for piano and video
Meredith Monk (b. 1942)
Realm Variations (2012)
for six voices and ensemble
Gavin Bryars (b. 1943)
Jesus’ Blood Never Failed Me Yet (1971)
for tape and ensemble
Steve Reich (b. 1936)
Radio Rewrite (2012)
for ensemble

In a programme containing no fewer than five Greek premieres, the Ergon Ensemble performs composers and works that transcend stylistic boundaries and popular preconceptions about contemporary forms of composition and performance.
concert program
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